It's been so long since I've posted on here, I forgot my password. Eek.
As you can guess, one of my New Year resolutions is to blog more often. *g*
I love January first. I begin every year by eliminating clutter--both literally and mentally. I clean junk drawers, search the kids rooms for broken toys or clothes they've out grown, and try to find ways to make my life more organized, all the while thinking of ways to keep my life in order. This year my main challenge is nothing new - scrunching more into my already tight schedule. With my job, the kids, writing, and farming, I get easily overwhelmed. So while I was tossing broken crayons and pens without caps today, I came up with an idea I hope will help: I created a weekly checklist.
I broke my life down into three categories: family, personal, and writing, and chose resolutions for each. Then I made a checklist of things I needed to accomplish each week in order to achieve the results. I kept the tasks simple and open ended--listing only the words "weekly writing goal" instead of naming a specific page or word count, for example, so I can adjust my weekly goal according to the shenanigans in my life.
And of course, since I only work for rewards, I decided that if I do make these goals, I won't have to cook on Fridays. That's pretty phenomenal motivation, in my humble opinion.
So what are you doing to help you meet your resolutions this year?